Predicting Reservoir or Non-Reservoir Formations by Calculating Permeability and Porosity in an Iraqi Oil Field

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Petroleum and Gas Refining Engineering, College of Petroleum Processes Engineering, Tikrit University, Iraq.

2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering, Basrah University.

3 Department of Petroleum and Gas Refining Engineering, College of Petroleum Processes Engineering, Tikrit University, Iraq


This study is focused on identifying the formations, whether are they reservoir formations or not. The effective porosity and permeability evaluating of the oil reservoir is the most important methods to recognize the formations. In this study, the effective porosity and permeability of the Yamama formation in an oil field of southern Iraq can be calculated by applying, the neutron-density and the sonic logs. The calculated effective porosity of the formation ranged between (6% - 17%), and the porosity in the joints was less than (0.04). The permeability in Yamama Formation calculated by three methods: Timur, Morris Biggs oil, and Schlumberger methods. By comparing the values of the permeability calculated by these methods, it was found that the methods of Timor and Schlumberger gave the same results, and also when the permeability calculated by these methods compared with the permeability of the cores, the method of Timur and Schlumberger closer than the results of the cores. So, the Schlumberger and Timor method is the one used in calculating the permeability. The permeability values for most of Yamama formation range from: 0.1 -10 md, and the permeability in the joints was less than 0.001 md.


Main Subjects

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