Acidic crude oil
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Acrylonitrile Butadien
Experimental Study of Low Speed Impact Test on the Fiber-Metal Composite Toughened with NBR Elastomer [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 319-337]
Catecholamine Coated Maghemite Nanoparticles for Asphaltene Adsorption/Desorption Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 177-187]
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Investigation of Operating Parameters on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anethole in Fennel Essential Oil [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 339-351]
An Intelligent Approach to Predict the Viscosity of Water/Glycerin Containing Cu Nanoparticles: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 163-175]
Effects of Hydrophobic Silica on the Performance of Silicone-Based Antifoams [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 139-149]
Artificial Neural Network
Ammonia Based Pretreatment Optimization of Cornstover Biomass Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 83-97]
Ammonia Based Pretreatment Optimization of Cornstover Biomass Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 83-97]
Bubble point pressure prediction
Prediction of Bubble Point Pressure Using New Hybrid Computational Intelligence Models [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 203-222]
Capillary number
On the Dynamic Contact Angle in Capillary Flows [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 243-256]
Carbonate and SulfateSalts
Using a New Mixture of Reagents for Effective Inhibition of Corrosion and Salt Precipitation in the Petroleum Industry [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 257-276]
Carbonate rocks
The Influence of Bimodal Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingering of a Miscible Interface in Porous Media [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 369-383]
Formation and Performance Evaluation of Colloidal Dispersion Gels Prepared Using Sulfonated Polyacrylamides and Chromium (III) Acetate [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Central composite design
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-81]
Central composite design
Ammonia Based Pretreatment Optimization of Cornstover Biomass Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 83-97]
Identification of Water Production Mechanism in One of Iran’s Oil Fields and Treat it With Gel Injection [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 223-242]
The Influence of Bimodal Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingering of a Miscible Interface in Porous Media [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 369-383]
COD Removal
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-81]
Colloidal dispersion gel
Formation and Performance Evaluation of Colloidal Dispersion Gels Prepared Using Sulfonated Polyacrylamides and Chromium (III) Acetate [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
The Comparison of Three Metallic, Organic, and Polymeric Crosslinked HPAM Gels for Water Conformance Applications [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 151-161]
Corrosion Inhibition
Using a New Mixture of Reagents for Effective Inhibition of Corrosion and Salt Precipitation in the Petroleum Industry [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 257-276]
Cross Linker
The Comparison of Three Metallic, Organic, and Polymeric Crosslinked HPAM Gels for Water Conformance Applications [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 151-161]
Crude Oil
Application of Electric Mixing Method to Increase Industrial Crude Oil Dehydration Efficiency [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 99-115]
An Intelligent Approach to Predict the Viscosity of Water/Glycerin Containing Cu Nanoparticles: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 163-175]
Density functional theory
Investigating the Adsorption of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormones Molecules on Graphene Sheets by the Density Functional Theory for Possible Nano-Biosensor Applications [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 385-392]
Molecular Design and Dynamic Simulations of Some Novel Antioxidant Lubricant Additives [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 53-67]
Diagnostic Plot
Identification of Water Production Mechanism in One of Iran’s Oil Fields and Treat it With Gel Injection [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 223-242]
Molecular Design and Dynamic Simulations of Some Novel Antioxidant Lubricant Additives [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 53-67]
Prediction of Bubble Point Pressure Using New Hybrid Computational Intelligence Models [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 203-222]
Prediction of Bubble Point Pressure Using New Hybrid Computational Intelligence Models [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 203-222]
Dynamic contact angle
On the Dynamic Contact Angle in Capillary Flows [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 243-256]
Experimental Study of Low Speed Impact Test on the Fiber-Metal Composite Toughened with NBR Elastomer [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 319-337]
Physical/Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen Modified by SBS, ZnO, TiO2 and EVA Precursors [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-202]
Experiment design
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-81]
Investigation of Operating Parameters on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anethole in Fennel Essential Oil [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 339-351]
Flat plate particles
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Flue gas
Optimizing SO2 Adsorption from Flue Gas Using Microporous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 353-367]
Experimental Study of Low Speed Impact Test on the Fiber-Metal Composite Toughened with NBR Elastomer [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 319-337]
Foam Height
Effects of Hydrophobic Silica on the Performance of Silicone-Based Antifoams [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 139-149]
Friction coefficient
Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Using Biological and Synthetic Macromolecules: A Comparative Study [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 117-137]
Genetic Algorithm
An Intelligent Approach to Predict the Viscosity of Water/Glycerin Containing Cu Nanoparticles: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 163-175]
Genetic algorithm multi-objective optimization
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Heat exchanger
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Heat transfer
An Intelligent Approach to Predict the Viscosity of Water/Glycerin Containing Cu Nanoparticles: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 163-175]
The Comparison of Three Metallic, Organic, and Polymeric Crosslinked HPAM Gels for Water Conformance Applications [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 151-161]
Hydrophobic Silica
Effects of Hydrophobic Silica on the Performance of Silicone-Based Antifoams [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 139-149]
I-V characteristics
Investigating the Adsorption of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormones Molecules on Graphene Sheets by the Density Functional Theory for Possible Nano-Biosensor Applications [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 385-392]
Levenberg–Marquardt Training Algorithm
Estimation of Total Organic Carbon in Source Rocks by Using Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network and Passay Method-A Case Study [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 277-292]
Machine learning
Prediction of Bubble Point Pressure Using New Hybrid Computational Intelligence Models [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 203-222]
Catecholamine Coated Maghemite Nanoparticles for Asphaltene Adsorption/Desorption Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 177-187]
Membrane Contactor
Optimizing SO2 Adsorption from Flue Gas Using Microporous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 353-367]
Method of class
Application of Electric Mixing Method to Increase Industrial Crude Oil Dehydration Efficiency [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 99-115]
On the Dynamic Contact Angle in Capillary Flows [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 243-256]
Mixing method
Application of Electric Mixing Method to Increase Industrial Crude Oil Dehydration Efficiency [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 99-115]
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Model of shrinking core
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Modified bitumen
Physical/Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen Modified by SBS, ZnO, TiO2 and EVA Precursors [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-202]
Molecular dynamic simulations
Molecular Design and Dynamic Simulations of Some Novel Antioxidant Lubricant Additives [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 53-67]
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Estimation of Total Organic Carbon in Source Rocks by Using Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network and Passay Method-A Case Study [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 277-292]
Nano Fluid
An Intelligent Approach to Predict the Viscosity of Water/Glycerin Containing Cu Nanoparticles: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 163-175]
Nonlinear Modeling
The Influence of Bimodal Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingering of a Miscible Interface in Porous Media [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 369-383]
Novel lubricant additive
Molecular Design and Dynamic Simulations of Some Novel Antioxidant Lubricant Additives [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 53-67]
Numerical simulation
The Influence of Bimodal Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingering of a Miscible Interface in Porous Media [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 369-383]
Oil/water emulsions
Application of Electric Mixing Method to Increase Industrial Crude Oil Dehydration Efficiency [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 99-115]
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Optimization operational parameters
Optimizing SO2 Adsorption from Flue Gas Using Microporous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 353-367]
Passay Method
Estimation of Total Organic Carbon in Source Rocks by Using Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network and Passay Method-A Case Study [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 277-292]
Permeability modification
Formation and Performance Evaluation of Colloidal Dispersion Gels Prepared Using Sulfonated Polyacrylamides and Chromium (III) Acetate [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-10]
Petrophysical logs
Estimation of Total Organic Carbon in Source Rocks by Using Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network and Passay Method-A Case Study [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 277-292]
Effects of Hydrophobic Silica on the Performance of Silicone-Based Antifoams [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 139-149]
Catecholamine Coated Maghemite Nanoparticles for Asphaltene Adsorption/Desorption Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 177-187]
Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Using Biological and Synthetic Macromolecules: A Comparative Study [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 117-137]
The Comparison of Three Metallic, Organic, and Polymeric Crosslinked HPAM Gels for Water Conformance Applications [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 151-161]
Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Using Biological and Synthetic Macromolecules: A Comparative Study [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 117-137]
Application of Electric Mixing Method to Increase Industrial Crude Oil Dehydration Efficiency [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 99-115]
Reaction Conversion
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Reaction of Solid-Fluid
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Residence Time
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Resistances combination
Conversion of Gas-Solid Reactions of the Flat Plate Particles with Unchanged Size Using the Shrinking Core Model [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-51]
Optimizing SO2 Adsorption from Flue Gas Using Microporous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 353-367]
Experimental Study of Low Speed Impact Test on the Fiber-Metal Composite Toughened with NBR Elastomer [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 319-337]
Physical/Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen Modified by SBS, ZnO, TiO2 and EVA Precursors [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-202]
Scale Inhibition
Using a New Mixture of Reagents for Effective Inhibition of Corrosion and Salt Precipitation in the Petroleum Industry [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 257-276]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
SO2 removal
Optimizing SO2 Adsorption from Flue Gas Using Microporous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 353-367]
Solar Photo-Fenton process
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-81]
Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Using Biological and Synthetic Macromolecules: A Comparative Study [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 117-137]
Spectral method
The Influence of Bimodal Heterogeneity on Viscous Fingering of a Miscible Interface in Porous Media [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 369-383]
Static contact angle
On the Dynamic Contact Angle in Capillary Flows [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 243-256]
Ammonia Based Pretreatment Optimization of Cornstover Biomass Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 83-97]
Surface Response
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Surface tension
Optimization Technique for the Evaluation of Physiochemical Properties of Cationic Surfactant in Presence of Alkali / Metal Halide Salt and their Effects on Acidic Crude Oil [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-32]
Surface tension
On the Dynamic Contact Angle in Capillary Flows [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 243-256]
Effects of Hydrophobic Silica on the Performance of Silicone-Based Antifoams [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 139-149]
Synergistic effect
Using a New Mixture of Reagents for Effective Inhibition of Corrosion and Salt Precipitation in the Petroleum Industry [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 257-276]
Physical/Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen Modified by SBS, ZnO, TiO2 and EVA Precursors [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-202]
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Estimation of Total Organic Carbon in Source Rocks by Using Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network and Passay Method-A Case Study [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 277-292]
Investigation of Operating Parameters on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anethole in Fennel Essential Oil [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 339-351]
Wastewater treatment
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 69-81]
Water Cut
Identification of Water Production Mechanism in One of Iran’s Oil Fields and Treat it With Gel Injection [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 223-242]
Water Cut Control
Identification of Water Production Mechanism in One of Iran’s Oil Fields and Treat it With Gel Injection [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 223-242]
Water Shutoff
The Comparison of Three Metallic, Organic, and Polymeric Crosslinked HPAM Gels for Water Conformance Applications [Volume 55, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 151-161]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Different Channel Shapes in Heat Exchangers [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Physical/Rheological Characteristics of Bitumen Modified by SBS, ZnO, TiO2 and EVA Precursors [Volume 55, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-202]
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